I purchased a small tank of about 13L in order to hold my one female endler and her babies. 13L is ideal for this as it's not too big in terms of space and is just small enough to be a permenant home for the wee lass.
I took apart the filter and added some of my own creations. The first being a bag of zeolite to remove any waste in the tank. Zeolite removes ammonia which will effectively keep the water perfectly safe for all fish. I also added live bacteria called "Bactinettes", I've heard they work wonders. I've also added a bag of "Clear water" which supposedly removes nitrites..we'll see on this one.
Next the tank was filled with water, filter and heater added and left to run for a few hours. It should be noted I have chosen to perform a "Fish-in" cycle. Reasons being is that I know what I'm doing and I can afford to spend all my time making sure the water is tip-top at all times. I also wanted to test the ability of Bactinettes and possibly Seachem stability if anything went wrong.
I then went and collected my fish. I originally only wanted one female but ended up walking away with 3 females and 2 males. The females would go in this tank and the males in my 64L. I also added some moss on driftwood for the babies to hide in.
In the bag.
Still in the bag.
Still in the bag and getting rather pissed off about it.
I should also note, at time of writing this, 2 of the 3 females have died. The first didn't make it through the first night due to stress and the second died shortly afterwards. The last one left is kicking, fighting and looks rather pregnant.
I shall keep you updated, water params are a bit squiffy right now, obviously the "Clear Water" is about as much use as a dead...never mind..
- C Manning.
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